Monday, 19 April 2021

Chicken Spinach Quinoa Salad

I have been making this dish ever since I heard of quinoa, maybe only 8 years ago -  when it has actually been eaten by humans up to 3-4 thousand years ago (late to the party). Quinoa is actually a pseudo cereal related to spinach! I find it similar to other grains and use much as I would bulger wheat and couscous. It is very nutritional containing protein, fibre, B vitamins and minerals.

Upon first trying it, I found it to be bland, so this recipe was created to add colour and flavour. Its simple, quick, colourful and a lovely way to enjoy healthy chicken breast. Enjoy!

Ingredients:         (serves 2)

1 cup (dry) quinoa (170g)

100g spinach

2 spring onions

small bunch coriander

2 chicken breasts (sliced horizontally in halves)

2 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp garlic powder

10 apricots (I use dried and soaked in water till plumped up)

2 small red bell peppers

1 avocado

50g feta cheese

2 tbsp yoghurt

1 lime (juice only)


Cook the quinoa in plenty of boiling water until tender ( about 15 mins). Cut the pepper into chunks, drizzle with a little olive oil and season. Roast the pepper in the oven while the quinoa is cooking until soft (about 20 mins). When the quinoa is cooked, drain and put into a food processor with the spinach, spring onions and coriander. Blitz until finely chopped. Set to one side.

Sprinkle the chicken  (cut horizontally to make 4 pieces) with the paprika and garlic powder and pan fry in a little olive oil until cooked through (about 10 mins). Slice on a chopping board.

To serve: share the quinoa onto two plates and spread out to cover the bottom of the plate, drizzle with a little olive oil. Top with the roasted pepper, apricots, bits of avocado (I scoop out teaspoonfuls), Add the chicken slices and a little fresh coriander. Dollop out a few spoonfuls of natural yoghurt, sprinkle over the feta cheese and squeeze over the juice of a lime. Season to taste and eat. Lovely!