Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Mongolian Beef with noodles

Its Chinese New Year so definitely time to try this Chinese-American dish. Like spicy food? Like stretching one fillet steak to make a meal for two? This recipe is great. And the best thing about it is that you can prepare it and leave it till when a friend arrives and 'Voila!' Ready in 5 minutes.

It looks like a lot of ingredients, but please don't be put off. Sake wine keeps for ages - as does Oyster sauce. If you don't want spicy, remove the seeds from the chilli. I didn't and it was perfect - but I like spicy food.

You make this dish in three stages - cook the meat and put in a bowl, make the sauce and put in a separate bowl. Cook the veg and leave to one side. Then its simply just pulling it all together in 5 minutes when you are ready for it. Garnished with sesame seeds and shredded spring onion it looks good and tastes great!

Ingredients:     (Serves 2)

For the beef:
1 beef fillet steak
1 tbsp. plain flour
1 tbsp. cornflour (corn starch)
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. white pepper
1 tsp. garlic powder
oil for frying

For the sauce:
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 cloves garlic, chopped
piece ginger, chopped
1 birds eye chill, sliced thinly (seeds removed if liked)
1/2 cup Sake (Chinese wine)
3 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. oyster sauce
50ml chicken stock

For the vegetables:
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, chopped
piece ginger, chopped
1 birds eye chilli, thinly sliced (seeds removed if liked)
1 red pepper, sliced
1 onion, sliced


With a sharp knife, slice the beef as thinly as you can. (You can wrap the beef in foil and put in the freezer for about 45 mins if finding it hard to slice thinly). Put the sliced beef in a bowl and add the flours and spices. Mix thoroughly. Heat about 2 inches of vegetable oil in a pan or wok and fry for 2-3 minutes till crispy and drain on kitchen paper.

For the sauce, heat the oil in a wide pan and add the garlic, ginger and chilli. Cook for 1-2 minutes, then add the sake, soy, oyster sauce and stock. Cook on high for 7-8 minutes to reduce by half. Turn off the heat and put the sauce in a bowl.

In a little vegetable oil, fry all the vegetables together for about 10 minutes until caramelised and soft. Put to one side.

These can all be assembled now - or left for when you are ready. To assemble, put the vegetables and beef together in a hot pan or wok and stir fry until heated through. Add the sauce and stir to combine. And that's it. Place on top of a plate of egg noodles and garnish with sesame seeds and shredded spring onion. Filling and delicious!

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