Saturday, 25 April 2015

Roast Tomato Bread

This is one of those recipes that will come in handy if you found you have bought too many tomatoes (which I did last week) or in the summer when you are growing tomatoes and you have a glut of them (most years). In panic, when I see them getting over ripe, I have to think quickly on a way to save them. I have a few things that I do with a glut of tomatoes and this is one of them. I roasted them. And made tomato bread.
They were rather large tomatoes so I cut them into wedges, but if they are cherry tomatoes you can leave them whole or cut them in half. Toss them in a little olive oil and a dash of salt and pepper and put them into a hot oven (about 200 C) and roast until they have lost most of their liquid and have started to blacken. How long depends on the size of the tomatoes, but these took about 45 minutes. Then leave them to cool and put into a freezer bag. At this stage you can just freeze them as they are for future use, or you can make a delicious pasta sauce. In this case I froze half for a later date and used half in my Roast Tomato Bread.
I used this basic bread recipe:
500g strong white flour
7g sachet fast-action yeast
1 tsp. salt
3 tbsp olive oil
300ml water
In a bowl, mix the flour, yeast and salt. Male a well in the centre and add the oil and water and knead into a dough. Leave in the bowl in a warm place in the house to rise for 1 hour.
Then knock back the risen dough and mix about a cupful of the roasted tomatoes into it. Mix in well and then make into a ball and put on a greased baking tray to cook at 210 C for 20-25 mins. I also put some into flower pots (which looks so pretty).
To do that you need to grease the (clean) flower pot and line with greaseproof paper. Then pop in the oven for 20 minutes. Perfect, tomato bread to have with just about anything. Enjoy!

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