Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Quick Chocolate & Strawberry Tart

The strawberries in the garden are just beginning to get there.. not quite though. Maybe a few more weeks before we can walk around the garden picking the juiciest ones to eat as we stand there. However, the local shop to me has them and they were two packs for the price of one. So of course, I got them. And made the simplest dessert out there.

Of course, you can make the pastry case; I often do. But not always. And I had a pre-made pastry case that I bought recently, just waiting to be filled. So I grabbed the four other ingredients I needed and made this Chocolate & Strawberry Tart.

All you need is:

1 cooked pastry case
200g chocolate (dark or milk)
240ml double cream

Put the cream into a saucepan and heat until warn but not boiling. Add the chocolate and take off the heat, stirring until the chocolate has melted into the cream. Pour onto the pastry case. Leave to one side while you cut the strawberries in half.

Place the strawberries, cut side down, in a nice pattern on the chocolate. Chill for 30 mins before serving with more cream. Quick, easy and delicious!

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