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Thursday 11 June 2015

Authentic Irish Stew

I am calling this authentic in part because I am originally from Dublin and this is the recipe I have used for about 30 years. But also because I see so many recipes for Irish Stew that call for lamb stock. celery, beef (?), herbs and various other ingredients which are not, in my opinion, the original and best Irish stew. 

All you need to use for this dish is lamb, potatoes, onion, carrots and simple water. The dish is meant to be simple and you get all the flavour from the lamb, onions and carrots. It is meant to be a broth - it doesn't need thickeners, or added vegetables. Although plenty of salt and pepper is always lovely. And a side order of soda bread just tops it off. Authentic, proper, original Irish Stew, in all its comforting home cooked glory!

Ingredients:                (serves 2-3)

2 large lamb rump steaks (or neck fillet)
2 onions
3 potatoes
3 carrots
salt & pepper
parsley to serve.


Trim any excess fat off the lamb and cut into cubes. Peel the carrots and cut into 1 inch slices. Slice the onions and potatoes.

In a casserole dish put half of the carrots and onions, then half of the lamb, followed by half of the potato slices. Season with salt & black pepper. Then repeat with another layer ending with the potatoes and more salt & pepper. Add enough water to just barely cover the top layer of potatoes and put onto the gas hob to bring to the boil. As soon as its boils, turn the heat down to low and leave with the lid mostly on (leave  a little gap) for about an hour and a half.

Serve in a bowl, sprinkled with parsley and with a few slices of soda bread. Simple and comforting.

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