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Monday 4 April 2016

Kazandibi (Turkish Milk Pudding)

I loved this recipe, as I am a huge fan of custard. And you can make this delicious custard type dessert either set (like this recipe) or hot and creamy as a standard sweet custard. And it contains NO eggs!! The main ingredients are cornflour, sugar, milk and vanilla. So simple too. It comes out a white, milky colour instead of the usual yellow custard which is a nice change.

I had this dessert at a Turkish restaurant called Otto in Wanstead in London and it was delicious, so I had to try it myself. Topped ( as they did) with cinnamon and served with ice cream, its so tasty.

I have added mastic, but this can be made just the same without, if you don't fancy it or can't find it in the shops. Mastic is a resin from the Greek mastic tree and adds a subtle pine flavour, which I particularly like. But you can just use vanilla extract if you choose.


7 cups milk
3/4 cup cornflour
1/4 cup '00' pasta (fine) flour - you can also use rice flour
1 cup caster sugar + 3 tbsp. for caramel
2 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. vanilla.
pinch of mastic, crushed (optional)
cinnamon powder


Put one cup of the milk in with the cornflour and flour. Whisk well to remove any lumps. Set to one side.

Put the remaining 6 cups of milk into a saucepan and boil. When it gets to boiling add the sugar, vanilla and mastic if using. Turn the heat down to medium and cook through, stirring until its thickened. Pop on a lid and leave to cool for 15 mins or so.

Then get a flameproof 9 inch pan and add the butter, sugar and a splash of cold water. Turn up the heat and let the sugar caramelise. It should take about 5-7 minutes. When the caramel is medium brown, carefully add a ladleful and a half of the custard ( it will splutter a bit). Let this cook without stirring on a medium heat for a few minutes to become a crust. Turn off the heat and let it cool for about 10 minutes. Then ladle the remaining custard on top. Again, leave to cool completely and then put in the fridge for about 5-6 hours, or until completely set.

To serve, Cut a slice with a knife and using a palette knife, invert the slice crust side up onto a plate. Cover generously with cinnamon powder and serve with ice cream. Delicious!.

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