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Tuesday 14 April 2015

A 1970's Buffet as a Main Course - Retro Week Day 3

Making all this food was so nostalgic. The funny thing is that some of these dishes last the test of time. Quiche Lorraine, Devilled Eggs, Prawn Cocktail and Scotch Eggs were buffet dinner party classics! We had this last night which was perfect as it was sunny in the garden until late. In fact it was the hottest day of this year so far and I had spent half of the day cooking and half of the day gardening - getting all the seedling in for the year.

After 4 hours of gardening, all I wanted was a shower and a dinner all ready for me. And it was - I had pre cooked it earlier. My 1970's buffet!

The Scotch Eggs are actually quails eggs (as are the devilled eggs), as I wanted them small. And the usual sausage meat stuffing around the eggs is Irish White Pudding, which I mixed with a little chopped bacon, finely chopped onion, both cooked, and fresh chopped parsley. Then they were dunked in egg and breadcrumbs and then baked to keep them low fat. I don't see the need to deep fry things when they can be baked. (the full recipe you will find on my website here).

For the quails eggs, half the hard boiled eggs and mix the cooked yolk with a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, 1/4 tsp. of cayenne pepper, one finely chopped cornichon and a little mayonnaise. Pop it into the cases and sprinkle with more cayenne pepper.

The Quiche Lorraine was kept simple - pastry case baked blind and left to cool. Chopped bacon and onion added to the case along a couple of handfuls of grated cheddar. Topped with 4 eggs whisked with 250ml single cream and some chopped parsley. Popped in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 170 C, you have the perfect quiche Lorraine.

The Prawn Cocktail was the easiest. I sautéed king prawns in butter, garlic and chilli flakes and set them aside until plating up. The Rose Marie sauce is just mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, cayenne pepper and tabasco sauce.

The credit for the plating up goes to The Bloke - who has seen me plate up so many times now he is an expert! All made earlier... I just had to put my feet up and enjoy with a little bread and butter (so 1970's) and a glass of wine. It was a Sauvignon Blanc didn't expect me to have Blue Nun did you??!

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